You will be able to make payments by using Visa, Mastercard, DBBL Nexus or AMEX debit or credit card, mobile wallets (such as bKash, Nagad, Rocket, iPay, Upay,Dmoney ). Cash-on-Delivery option is available only for deliveries within Bangladesh.
If you are requesting for international shipping, you will be able to make payments by using Visa or Mastercard debit/credit cards and Payza as international wallet.
Net banking: We are accepting Net Banking to transfer the money directly to our account(such as City Touch, Bank Asia, Mutual Trust Bank, Islami Bank)
Our payment gateway partner SSL COMMERZ is responsible for processing your payments through their secured payment gateways. Kaykraft.com will redirect you to their gateway when processing your payment during checkout.
Note: Your billing amount will be shown in Bangladeshi Taka on the payment gateway. This is equivalent to your order value.